We believe design is a collaborative process. As a full service commercial design firm, our job is to evaluate and guide your vision to develop design that works for you as effectively as possible. Let us share how our team can help elevate the process from something you have to do to something you want to do. We want to help you find the joy in quality design.
Here are a few ways we can help.
Opportunity. Some might see a tired building not worth a look. We see endless possibilities to make something old new again. Evaluating the feasibility and potential of your building for your use is a critical step in a projects ultimate success. Code assessment, use evaluation, planning studies. We can help.
Understanding your business, team, brand and philosophy is as important as the space needs in the development of a successful built environment. Together we will evaluate what works, what doesn’t and plan for the future.
We have gotten to know you, now we need to get to know your building. We start every project with a thorough field investigation. Obtaining site and building measurements, identifying possible structural limitations and areas of potential project costs before planning and design begins means a better use of the projects budget and a reduced potential for surprises during construction. Time well spent.
Vision. Space requirements, company culture and work methods come together in the development of a space plan and concept design, including building access points, circulation, adjacencies, views, light, environment and the overall design concept. Let’s establish the experience of the built environment unique to your organization. Together.
Look + Feel. Plans are refined, design is developed, colors are selected and project needs refined. An opportunity to establish what key architectural elements and environmental features will support your company culture and share your company message with your audience. Great design feels good.
Quality construction requires quality documents. Great plans give the general contractor the tools they need to reduce field questions, maintain cost control and manage the project schedule. We’re proud that general contractors have loved the technical quality and accuracy of our plans for over 25 years. We’re sure you will too.
Obtaining building permits is required. Code compliance and a clear understanding of the jurisdiction’s processes is essential. We have obtained demolition, building, fire, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and medical gas permits in cities and counties from San Diego to Hong Kong. Coordination of the submittal, plan review and plan check processing necessary to get permits and get construction underway. Quickly and efficiently.
No one likes surprises when it comes to costs. Establishing a clear understanding of a project’s budget early in the process is critical to reducing cost anxiety, setting project goals and establishing the design direction. Obtaining construction costs at project intervals allows the team to respond to costs as the project develops. Budget management and cost control. We’re here to help.
Let’s get the space built. Working with dynamic people to build dynamic spaces. We team with the best local contractors to execute our shared vision. From demolition to occupancy we’ll be there to perform site reviews, answer questions, review costs and ensure quality of construction. Building excitement one project at a time.
Details. Bringing your brand and philosophy to the occupied space says something about who you are. Working with you to specify furniture solutions, custom signage and art to bring your environment to life. Finished space is productive space.
Augustine Design Group sets the bar for teamwork, especially in regard to working with general contractors in the field. Their constant presence, availability and willingness to take questions, answer them promptly and coordinate with the projects’ superintendent sets them apart from their competition and makes them an outstanding company to work with.
Scott Kaats, Owner
Bycor General Contractors